Import and export clearance of your goods
How do you import your household goods worry-free?
Emigrating abroad is a careful process. Especially when all household goods need to arrive properly and completely at your new address. If the shipment is going to a destination outside the EU, it must first go through customs. A process that doesn't need to be difficult, as long as you work according to the rules.
First of all, what is the export and import clearance of goods? Export clearance means declaring your goods to customs when they leave the country . Import clearance works the other way around. Here you notify customs of the goods entering the country at the border. Import clearance of goods is particularly important during an international move.
Expert Hans Hageman speaks
Hans Hageman from HALO Removal Logistics opens with reassuring words: "Actually, it's all not that bad. When people request a moving quote from us,they receive it from us including the customs conditions of the relevant country of emigration. It contains all the information you need.
Unfortunately, people don't always read carefully. As the move gets closer, they discover that they've missed a few steps in the import clearance process. This wasn't necessary, because everything was clearly indicated."

Import rules per country
Different rules apply for importing your goods in each country. "That's why we have all customs rules documented per country. For example, all exports from the EU are VAT-free for transport, and VAT can even be reclaimed for newly purchased goods. The Portuguese islands Madeira and the Azores are within the EU but are still exempt from VAT on transport costs. For shipments within the EU that go by sea, such as to Madeira, Azores, Cyprus etc., is een transitdocument vereist. Bij zendingen binnen de EU Γ©n die over land gaan hoeft dit niet, die zijn vrij van douanedocumenten. De Canary Islands van Spain vallen weer buiten de EU, waarbij dan ook echt een exportdocument wordt opgemaakt.β
βFor all countries outside the EU, geldt echter wel hetzelfde. Of het nu de Nederlandse Antillen, United Arab Emirates, Australia of Nieuw-Zeeland is, er moet altijd een exportdocument worden opgemaakt. Het importeren is bij elk land dus weer anders. Soms is een kopie van je paspoort en een inventarislijst genoeg, andere landen vragen nog zes andere documenten en/of een visum of andere toelating van je. Blijf dus scherp en lees de douanevoorwaarden goed door!β

Customs are not flexible
Can you still run into trouble if you follow the rules? Hans: "No, not really. You simply have to follow the rules, period.Customs are not flexible.
A good example of this is the Canary Islands of Spain. Here you need a NIE-nummer , otherwise you can't do anything in the Canary Islands. This also applies to importing your goods. You have to apply for this number yourself at a Spanish consulate or the Spanish police, and then you must also register that number with the Spanish tax authorities yourself. Only then can we process an import using that specific number. All of this information is included in the attachment we send along."

Arrange everything in advance
That's why it's important to arrange everything regarding the import clearance of your goods before departing abroad."If you don't have your paperwork in order, you could end up with thousands of euros in storage costs.You need to prevent that. There are countries where you can easily apply for registration with the municipality, but it takes four to five weeks. During that time, you can't do anything. It's better to arrange everything in advance in the Netherlands and if necessary, put it in storage here first.We'll then ship the household goods once all the paperwork is completed.
Hans concludes: "I keep emphasizing that you must read all the conditions carefully before shipping your household goods and check this with your moving company. The moving company must provide you with the correct information or refer you to the right information. Prepare well and don't leave it until the last minute. Then everything will work out fine."