Emigrating to Greece
Welcome adventurer! Greece is a challenging but fantastically beautiful country to emigrate to. However, it depends on whether you are moving to the Greek mainland or the islands. This difference lies in the type of move. The Greek mainland consists of the districts of Peloponnese, Sterea, Ellada, Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia and Thrace. With the best-known cities being Thessaloniki and Athens.
Are you looking for a move to the Greek mainland? Please read on. Does your preference go out to one of the islands? Then we'll be happy to refer you to all the information around emigration to the Greek islands.
Why do people choose the Greek mainland?
A rich history, the healthiest cuisine in the world, and the magnificent climate. Those are just a few reasons why our customers have decided to move to Greece. We're happy to take you on a journey! What's your reason to go?

5 reasons to move to Greece
- The Mediterranean climate makes it an ideal destination throughout the year.
- The healthiest cuisine in the world with tzatziki, eggplant salads, lentil soup, or Dolma.
- The cost of living is significantly lower than in Northern European countries.
- Extremely favorable housing prices.
- The people are super friendly and very family-oriented.
Transport possibilities
We offer you four moving options:
Excellent: Fully taken care of and you determine the moving dates! Everything will be arranged for you. From moving boxes to packing, loading, and unloading.
Comfort: The quality of a certified moving company, but still affordable moving. To reduce costs, various household goods are combined.
Regular: Good option if you plan to help with moving tasks, but still want the most important moving activities to be guaranteed.
Budget: We take care of transportation, you arrange the rest!

Emigrating without stress
As you know, the economic situation in Greece is not stable. Partly because of this and the poor infrastructure, it can be a challenge to take the step. We understand that this can bring some stress. We want to protect you from this, or at least reduce your stress to a considerable extent!
Omdat wij genoeg ervaring hebben in het verhuizen naar zowel het Griekse vasteland als de eilanden, zullen wij je tijdig informeren over de gang van zaken. Zo is de Griekse bureaucratie ook een totaal andere wereld dan de Nederlandse. Wil jij bijvoorbeeld een vergunning krijgen of heb je bepaalde papieren nodig? Dan kan dit nogal complex zijn, lees: tijdrovend.
Our tip is to start your preparation in a timely manner. Due to our knowledge of this country, around all moving procedures, we advise you to ask us your questions. This is always without obligation! Of course, we will also take care of the entire moving process for you with great care. From door to door.
To take into account...
Don't forget to...
- The Greek language is one of the most difficult languages to learn in Europe. But as a true adventurer, you will undoubtedly pick it up quickly. Don't forget to get started in the Netherlands beforehand, so that you can prepare yourself optimally. This will certainly earn you bonus points with the local population.
- The healthcare system in Greece runs through the IKA. Unfortunately, they offer less coverage than you are used to in the Netherlands. Take this into account.
- Do you want to start your own business? Contact the local authorities because they can provide the right information specific to each region.
- Are you planning to import your car? For this, you not only need your personal details and those of the car, but also a purchase/rental agreement for your home and proof of income. In addition, there are several stricter rules around the car itself. But don't worry: we'll help you on your way!
Finally; don't forget to enjoy the rich history and delicious gastronomy. Jamas!

Are you ready for Ελλάδα?
These are your benefits if you choose us. Halo helps you with:
- a complete worry-free moving experience towards your Greek dream!
- packing and unpacking your moving boxes by moving professionals;
- safely transporting your valuable possessions to your new 'home';
- checking and fulfilling your moving requirements during this emigration;
- planning the move together so it seamlessly meets your expectations;
- you get a dedicated contact person who can handle all your questions. He or she arranges everything for you. Think of things like temporary storage or a simple parking permit.
Local agents with storage facilities in
- Athene